
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Like a child, it's all I know.

When I remember how much I have left to learn, I feel the need to hide away from the world until I have learned it all. 

But when will I have time to learn it all?

When will I know all there is to know about boundaries?
When will I know all there is to know about loving people?
When will I know all there is to know about being a woman of God?
When will I know all there is to know about taking risks?
When will I know all there is to know about preparing myself for marriage and commitment?
When will I know all there is to know about living in and taking advantage of my singleness?
When will I know all there is to know about the word of God?
When will I know all there is to know about maintaining and/or letting go of relationships?

There is so much that I have left to learn.  It's overwhelming.  I will never know it all.  I have already accepted this.  But I am committed to learning as much as I can.  I'm ready for God to empower me with knowledge. 


  1. Keep writing! : ) We often think of writing as expressing something we already know, but it's surprising how much we actually learn when we write. Also, after putting my thoughts on paper, I feel like there's more room in my brain for new thoughts.

  2. I feel like I got a peek into a your diary as a writer, but that is what makes the best blogs I think. We all have these questions like, "When will I figure this out"! As long as we keep pursuing...wisdom will come.
