
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Encouragement, or the lack of.

Lately, I have been overwhelmingly disappointed in the lack of encouragement that goes on around me.  In the circle of people that I am around most of the time, the dominant form of casual communication usually comes in sarcasm.  Sarcasm is a poison that can destroy people.  It can destroy both the giver and the person receiving it.  When a person starts to hand out sarcasm on a regular basis, this becomes a norm for you.  You forget how to communicate with people normally or positively.  It becomes a switch of gears to speak positively and to speak life.  The receiver also learns (subconsciously) to take sarcasm as a norm.  You will begin to expect this behavior from others, and you settle for communicating this way, and in turn will probably start to give it out yourself. 

I have gone of several different fasts in the past couple of years, consisting of a Daniel fast, media fast, caffeine fast, meat fast, etc. Every time I have ever gone on a fast, it NEVER FAILS that I receive discouragement from friends during the fast, and even discouragement to not go on the fast at all.  I have been discouraged to not do a meat or Daniel fast because, "you can't eat normally with people."  I have been discouraged to not go on a caffeine fast because, "How will you be able to stay awake to get your schoolwork done, Allison?"  In addition to being discouraged to not go on the fast at all, friends are discouraging during the fast, stating that "that sucks", "I feel sorry for you", "I can't believe you're doing that", etc. Some people even like to taunt and tempt you with the things that you are giving up.

This behavior to me, especially from my community in the body of Christ, is absolutely ridiculous.  This week at TNL is made me really excited to hear Eric challenge everyone to be encouraging, and to take up the habit of affirming others. I have already seen many people accept this challenge, take it to heart, and begin the journey of uplifting others!  I'm very excited to see more of this, and I am praying that the spirit of discouragement and sarcasm will be rebuked and we will see no more of it.

1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts Allison. I honestly believe that sincerity is one of the best witnesses to the presence of Christ in a person's life. Very insightful post.
