
Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Breath of Fresh Air

I have always been a doodler.  I am also a daydreamer, which goes hand in hand with the doodling.  I decorate those dull, lined sheets of loose leaf with the dark strokes of a black pen to pass the time of endless lectures and constant droning of teachers.

I have several repetitive doodles that I often resort to, including a rocket ship, race car, dinosaur, Abraham Lincoln, a girl holding a balloon, birds, etc. I also resort to random designs; abstract lines and shapes. There is no meaning behind them other than than attempting to adorn my lifeless lecture notes with something more whimsical and lively. There is another doodle that I resort to often, and it is a tree.  My trees are never anything unique or different, they rarely even come with branches or grass bordering the bottom of the trunk. Just a plain and simple tree. 

Recently during a class, I felt unfulfilled in the the drawings that I was doodling. I don't quite remember what I was doodling, I think it might have been the back of a girl's shirt, but nevertheless, I felt no purpose in my drawings. Then I drew a tree.

The Lord revealed to me something through my tree.  I found purpose in that tree.  I breathed a breath of fresh air.  This tree represented a new life.  It represented growth.  It represented strength and stability.  A tree is a symbol of new life with our Creator.  When doodling a dinosaur, it is silly and effortless.  When doodling a tree, I am encouraged.  I am giving myself a reminder of the new life God gives us every day.  The tree was not an ordinary doodle: it was a symbol of encouragement. 

I love the way God works.  I love that He can speak to me through a doodle. There are no bounds in the ways that the Lord moves and reveals things to us. This encouraged me to truly walk in the Lord's presence at all times, and constantly allow the small things to remind me of His truth and goodness.  He is everywhere and in everything. 

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