
Friday, August 5, 2011

Never draw inside the lines.

In a conversation once with a friend, I blurted out how smart I thought my dad was, and how I wanted to be like him.  My friend inquired about what I meant, and I responded by telling him about my father, and the qualities that he has that make me admire him and aspire to be like him.  My dad is a very hard worker.  There is not a lazy bone in him.  The only time I have ever seen my dad sitting or lying down are times when he is resting.  Resting, not being lazy.  He is also very knowledgeable about everything across the board.  And if he is not knowledgeable about something and the concept grows to be something he might need to know, he will find sources to read and learn all about it until there is nothing he doesn't know about the subject.  I always feel confident when asking my dad a question that he will know the answer.

My dad is also a dreamer and a provider.  My mom said once that my dad had "vision".  That word always stuck with me since she said it, and looking back on my years growing up, it's very clear that my dad always had vision.  He is a business man and he runs all of his own businesses.  He was always dreaming and envisioning ideas of more things he could start up to accumulate more income for our family.  His dreaming and his provision went hand in hand.

Over the past (long) weekend, Jess and I flew up to Wyoming to visit Matt Huck.  Throughout our visit, Jess and I were constantly discovering how knowledgeable Matt is.  He taught us all about the economy of Wyoming and how it compares to Louisiana and other states; he taught us all about the effects of high altitude and how high and low altitudes affect your body and also the functions of everyday things.  We were always learning and he never made us feel stupid for not knowing these things.

We were also impressed with the vast tools, equipment, and supplies that Matt had invested in for camping and hiking.  Matt is a lover of nature and also adventure.  As a product of his hard work, he is able to invest in awesome-quality supplies to fulfill his backpacking and camping needs.  Matt is also very knowledgeable about all thing camping and backpacking related.  Every purchase he makes towards camping is wise and ensures his safety, all the while allows him to do all the high-risk adventuring he wants.

These are two people in my life that have my utmost admiration and respect, and both are due to their hard work and the way they are so learned about important things.  They both also have this certain spark, whether it's dreaming, envisioning, or adventuring.  The qualities that I admire in both of these people caused me to think about other things, like how I should surround myself with more people who possess these qualities, or how I should strive to have these qualities myself. 

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